Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Barack Hussein and our Dear First Lady Michelle Obama.

I want to start by saying that I've been reading a lot these Progressives and their Love and Loyalty to Barack Hussein and our Dear First Lady Michelle Obama.
These Liberal idiots who have been posting about their White House Idols, Barack Hussein and Michelle Obama sound like the biggest hypocrites in earth! They have the gall to call the First Lady beautiful, and fit... when even a girdle couldn’t contain that gigantic stomach and her fat behind. And she eats like a starving cow and preaches about “healthy eating”.
These  blogger’s are such hypocrites that I just can not believe what I am reading sometimes.
Ever hear the saying about people who live in Glass Houses should not throw Stones?. Well, someone should tell Michelle about it, when she stuffs those cheese burgers, and french fries down her mouth.  . I couldn’t care less about her or anything she says, she should be called The First Hypocrite, not the First Lady!
And by the way Mr. and Ms. Progressive, who are so impressed with these two, what has either one of the Obama’s done for black people? I think that he has done more for illegal Mexicans then he has for Blacks. But you are to blind and drank too much of his koolaide to realize that. Chew on this! 96% of African-Americans voted for this guy, ask yourself why. You and the majority of the blacks voters in America just go to the polls blindly give their support to a man ONLY because he is black.
I don’t give a flying fig about Michelle, When she said “For the First Time in My Adult Lifetime, I’m Really Proud of My Country”
When she said it, she meant it, and I found that to be extremely offensive.
I always believed and still do that she is full of herself. As for that comment about  And now the Progressives  are trying to wiggle out of it as they always do whenever their side says something stupid, like Madam Hillary and Grinning Joe Biden ALWAYS do.
The bottom line is that she was not been proud of her country before her Hubby was elected, and she is a hypocrite in just about everything she says and does. Lets face it, what the hell has Obama done in the past 4 1/2 years?  He is long on his BS speeches but falls short on specifics..
America owes $16,808,240,386,273 -  as of April 2013.

China still undersells us. Jobs are still be outsourced to China, and India, and all over the 3rd world countries. . Iran will win under Obama, his sanctions are meaningless. Sanctions in Iran don't work, period. And Iran will definitely get their nuclear weapons, no matter how Biden lies about it even with his stupid as disrespectful grins. Resulting in two more middle east wars with nukes in the mix. Japanese vehicles will still outsell American vehicles. America will still be dependent on middle east oil, millions of Americans will still be without health care, taking more from the achieves won’t make a damn of a difference even if it’s the most socialistic thing ever done to Americans. And to make matters even worse we have that Fat little Crazy man in North Korea with his fat paws on the button of a nuclear bomb.   But don't worry, our sick Uncle Joe Biden says that they don't have the capability of reaching the USA.  Well duh!   Like this grinning imbecile knows what he's talking about?  . So what change are you talking about? Where is the improvement under Obama? Somebody? Anybody? Maybe Dennis Rodman knows?
I will always be proud of this country, no matter what Michele Obama says, but I long for the day she and The Emperor are out of my life. And I have news for the President and the Vice President just incase they haven found it out for themselves yet. Israel IS our friend and Iran is our enemy!

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